About Jan de Belastingman

Your personal Dutch tax guide, available around the clock.

Why Jan de Belastingman Exists

Filing taxes in the Netherlands can feel like navigating a maze, especially if Dutch isn't your first language. Many people don't know what benefits they're eligible for or if they could get money back. While wealthy individuals often have personal tax advisors, most people are left to figure it out on their own. This can lead to missed opportunities and unnecessary stress, particularly for internationals trying to understand the Dutch tax system.

Our mission

That's why we created Jan de Belastingman. A friendly, approachable tax assistant who's here to help everyone get the tax guidance they deserve. Our mission is simple: to make professional tax advice accessible to all, saving you time and money while providing reliable guidance you can trust. No waiting times, no high hourly rates, and no complicated jargon. Just clear, straightforward answers in plain English.

What makes Jan unique?

Available 24/7 with ongoing support 
Tax questions can't wait. Jan is your digital tax assistant, ready whenever you need help – evenings and weekends included. All your queries are stored in your personal environment, and Jan keeps you updated about important deadlines and changes in Dutch tax regulations.

Personal & proactive
Jan looks into your situation, supports you and highlights opportunities you might have missed. Based on up-to-date knowledge of Dutch tax legislation, Jan asks targeted questions to fully understand your situation. This ensures you don't miss out on any tax benefits you're entitled to.

AI & human expertise 
Jan instantly answers your questions and connects you with our certified advisors when needed. Through seamless integration, your advisor is immediately briefed on your situation. Jan provides honest and independent advice, mostly free of charge, because we believe quality tax help should be accessible to everyone.

How does it work?

Ask your question 1.

Ask your question

Start a chat with Jan and ask any tax-related question – whether it's about income tax returns, allowances, or tax structures. Jan stays current with recent regulations for both individuals and businesses in the Netherlands.

Receive instant advice 2.

Receive instant advice

Jan provides immediate, no-obligation guidance with clear answers to your questions, including potential tax benefits relevant to your situation.

Additional support 3.

Additional support

Jan provides immediate, no-obligation guidance with clear answers to your questions, including potential tax benefits relevant to your situation.

Start today

Do you have a tax question? Jan is ready to help. Start a conversation now and experience how easy it can be.


Several people went before you.
Read the reviews of Jan de Belastingman.

32 years, Accountant

I have contacted Jan to check the deductions for me that I am entitled to. Last year I started my new education and it now appears that it is deductible. Thanks for the help Jan!

25  years, master student UVA, job in horeca

I always complete my tax return myself, but just to be on the safe side I still double check with Jan.

36 years, logistic planner

Fast and reliable!

29 jaar, Freelance communicatie specialist

I have contacted Jan to check the deductions for me that I am entitled to.

27 jaar, Student Nursing

Very helpful, really great!

35 years, pharmacy assistant

In addition to my training as a pharmacy assistant, I work part-time at pharmacy.nl. I travel quite a few kilometers for my work. Jan advised me to declare the travel expenses as a deductible item. Now it appears that I am receiving 2026.. back. I will definitely recommend you to my friends Jan. This is really great.

36 years, barman

Pleasant and simple way of checking my deductions.

29 jaar, Freelance Communicatie specialist

This works!! Jan the Tax Man was able to answer all my questions!

34 jaar, Psycholoog

Every year I doubted whether I was getting everything out of my tax return. Using the chat has given me certainty again!

53 jaar, werkloos

Jan the Tax Man is easy to use. it works nicely. also fast.

32 years

As a manager in the hospitality industry there are many hidden costs. Thanks to Jan's advice, I can now deduct certain costs and receive them back.

Universiteit van Amsterdam

Als student marketing werk ik naast mijn studie bij een digitaal bureau. Jan de Belastingman heeft me geadviseerd om bepaalde beroepsgerelateerde kosten op te geven. Bedankt Jan, jouw hulp is echt waardevol!<\/p>"}

58 jaar

Als zzp'r in de bouw had ik complexe belastingvragen met betrekking tot afschrijvingen en investeringen. Jan de Belastingman heeft me uitstekend geholpen, en dankzij zijn advies heb ik meer dan \u20ac1.500,- kunnen terugkrijgen<\/p>"}

55 jaar

Jan de Belastingman heeft me begeleid bij het optimaliseren van mijn aangifte hierdoor heb ik veel geld (2000 euro) teruggekregen. <\/p>"}